Our disches are mainly flavored with Extra vergine olive oil, exalting it's taste.
The oil is yeld by 40% Casaliva - trees, 30% Leccino - trees, and 30% Gargnà - trees all cultivated in the own land.
The harvest is effected with equipments that don't notch the quality and the fragrance of our oil.
The grinding develops from continuous pressing made with crushing disks and centrifugal separation in the Gargnano oil-mill.
Ristorante Pizzeria Paradiso di Razzi Ambrogio
via Muslone, 48 - 25084 Gargnano (Bs)
Lago di Garda Tel.+39 0365 71223
P.Iva 00433520988 -C.F. RZZMRG65E06H717M
CIR: 017076-CAM-00002